General Preparedness

- Make a family emergency communication plan and include your pets.
- Identify an out of town emergency contact to coordinate information with family/friends.
- Check on neighbors.
- Keep an emergency kit wherever you spend time: home, car, work etc.
- Download the FEMA App and set up local alerts
- Listen to local officials by radio, TV, or social media and take action.
- Practice your preparedness plans with a drill or exercise.
- Take a first aid class so you can help until first responders arrive.
- Emergency Preparedness Social Media Toolkits
Winter Storm and Extreme Cold
- Stay off the road during/after a storm.
- Extreme cold can be deadly. Stay inside where it is warm and bring pets indoors
- Wear warm clothes in layers and change activities to stay safe.
- Use safe heating devices.
- Ensure you have a working carbon monoxide detector.
- Winter Weather Safety Social Media Toolkit
- Weather Ready Nation NOAA Winter Safety Resources
Holiday Safety
- Prepare for unpredictable weather before traveling.
- Water tree and turn off holiday lights overnight and when away to reduce risk of a fire.
- Keep candles away from flammable items.
- Shop securely online over the holidays.
- Holiday Safety Social Media Toolkit
Severe Weather
- If ordered to evacuate, take action immediately. Know the route and plan where to go.
- Identify a safe location, in case of tornado.
- Severe Weather Safety Social Media Toolkit
- Never drive or walk through flooded streets; Turn Around, Don’t Drown.
- Check your insurance policies to ensure you have enough coverage.
- Flood Safety Social Media Toolkit
- Weather Ready Nation NOAA Spring Safety Resources
- Financial Literacy Month
- National Volunteer Week (April 23-29)
- Wildfire Community Preparedness Day (May 7)
- Wildfire Safety Social Media Toolkit
- National Small Business Week (April 30-May 6)
- National Hurricane Preparedness Week (May 7-13)
- National Police Week (May 15-21)
- National EMS Week (May 21-27)
- Public Service Recognition Week
- Older Americans Month
- Military Appreciation Month
- National Building Safety Month
- National Dam Safety Awareness Day (May 31)
Extreme Heat
- Extreme heat can be deadly. Stay inside where it is cool.
- Wear cool clothes and change activities to stay safe.
- Never leave children or pets in a car.
- Extreme Heat Safety Social Media Toolkit
- Pet Preparedness Social Media Toolkit
Wildfire Safety
- Report a wildfire if you see one; you may be the first to see it.
- Wildfires can kill. If ordered to evacuate, know the route and plan where to go.
- Wildfire Safety Social Media Toolkit
Children & Youth + Back to School
- Ensure children are included in preparedness conversations.
- Know the emergency plan for your child’s school, college and child care facility.
- Practice evacuation plans and other emergency procedures with children on a regular basis.
- Make sure children have emergency contacts memorized or written down in a secure place.
- Children and Youth Preparedness Social Media Toolkit
- National Night Out (August 1)
- If ordered to evacuate, know the route and plan where to go.
- Never drive or walk through flooded streets; Turn Around, Don’t Drown.
- Hurricane Preparedness Social Media Toolkit
- Weather Ready Nation NOAA Fall Safety Resources
Fire Safety
- Identify a meeting place for your family or anyone you live with.
- Don’t Wait, Check the Date – Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years.
- United States Fire Administration Outreach Materials
- Practice “Drop, Cover and Hold On.”
- Anchor loose items to a secure wall in your home.
- Text, don’t call.
- Great Shakeout resources
Download the Ready 2017 National Seasonal Preparedness Messaging Calendar (PDF)
Download the Ready 2017 National Seasonal Preparedness Messaging Calendar (JPEG)